St James Church Jacobstowe

A warm welcome awaits you

Welcome To St James image
Dear friends,

At St. James Jacobstowe we aim to be a friendly and welcoming church where we look to be people who are centred on the Word of God as a ‘lamp to our feet and a light to our path’. Life is often confusing and difficult for many reasons, so we hold out to you the offer of help in finding Jesus as the foundation for life. Those of us who have done this know Him to be the source of life, peace, joy and security; and we don’t want to keep Him to ourselves!

Why not come along to one of the services here in this beautiful church and see what a little illumination could do for you? You are always most welcome,

Revd. Leigh Winsbury.

The Annual Meeting of Parishioners is scheduled for Wednesday the 12th of March 2025. All are welcome to attend.

2025 PCC Meetings are scheduled for the following Wednesdays: 12th of February, 12th of March, 11th of June and 17th of September. 



Jacobstowe Church is an ideal setting for a small service seating up to 70 people. An organist & bell ringers are available if required.

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A joyous occasion, baptism is when you want to celebrate your baby’s birth and their inclusion in the faith with family members and closest friends.

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Find the perfect resting place here in the countryside

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Safeguarding image
It is of the utmost importance to us to make our church a safe place for all who come here. If you have any concerns about the safety of children or vulnerable adults, please contact our parish safeguarding officer.

Judith Westlake, 01837 851996,

Revd. Leigh Winsbury, 01837 810680,

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team:

If you are a young person, please contact childline on 0800 1111

The PCC of this church fully endorses the “Promoting a Safer Church” Policy of the Church of England

The active community group make full use of the church, which is the only public building in the Parish, and welcomes all in the community and visitors to their activities.
Everyone is very welcome to the church, be it for services or non-secular activities and can be assured that they can participate safely.


The church is open daily from 9am to 4pm. There are information boards in the porch which tell the history of this little church and visitors are most welcome to keep a copy of the church guide and history booklet which they will find inside the church.

Who's Who

Revd Stephen Cook - Northmoor Team Rector
(01837) 659297 Email Stephen
Revd Leigh Winsbury - Team Vicar
 (01837) 810610  Email Leigh
Michael Winter - Licensed Reader
Duncan Michie - Church Warden & Treasurer
(01837) 851961 Email Duncan
Jude Westlake - Safeguarding Officer
 (01837) 851996 Email Jude
Hilary Winter - PCC Secretary
(01837) 851718 Email Hilary
Edward Stephens - Web Master
Colin Westlake - Electoral Roll Officer
(01837) 851996 ​Email Colin​​​

The Church of St James, Jacobstowe, is a Grade 2* listed building which has recently been re-ordered to allow its use by the community for non-secular purposes as well as the liturgical needs of the parish.

The church sits in a prominent position with lovely views over the River Okement valley which you can enjoy from the bench in the churchyard.

The church has visible evidence of its early 12th century origin in the Norman porch doorways, the font and possibly the stone altar to the right of the porch. Excavations of the nave during the reordering scheme in 2015 revealed late Saxon eastern and western wall footings. The latter, being apsidal in shape, caused much excitement within the archaeological community due to its rarity, and is considered to be pre-Conquest possibly even 8th century in origin.

The 17th and 18th century lead glazed and relief decorated north Devon tiles were moved from the aisle to the area around the font to protect them from further wear and were replaced by early 20th century reproductions. The attractive tiled floor of the chancel was laid when it was extended in 1903.

There are six early to late 19th century monuments, among which is one to Lady Ellen Astley1845 by John Ternouth, who was responsible for the Bronze relief panel at the base of Nelson's column. Another interesting memorial is to Colonel Sir Robert White-Thompson 1926, Lord of the Manor of Broomford, who built the new manor house in1878.

The beautiful ancient door in the arched Norman doorway is considered to be original and therefore also Norman. The other door of interest is the tower door, formerly the Western entrance to the church, which was adapted to fit when the tower was built in 15th century. Above the door are the armorial shields of the Strechleigh and Carey families which held the Manor of Broomford in 14th century and which were also originally above the west door of the church.

There is more from Devon ChurchLand here

There are also 2 pdf files in the file section that can be downloaded:

A History & Guide to this Ancient Church (10 page)

Late Saxon and Medieval Discoveries at the Church of St James, Jacobstowe, Devon, in 2015 (50 page)

For Your Diary

  • Jacobstowe, Okehampton, UK
  • EX20 3RF

To contact the Revd Leigh Winsbury directly please phone Leigh on (01837) 810680 or email

How to Donate to St James Church Jacobstowe

St James Church is funded entirely by the generosity of the community. to meet It's annual running costs & donations to charity.


A Full list of the 8 men from Jacobstowe who gave their lives during the 2 World Wars. Their full stories are listed when know. This project is a work in progress authored by Rod Lane.

A History & Guide to this Ancient Church

A guide booklet explaining how St James Church changed over the centuries & date specific features that still remain, forming the current building.

Late Saxon and Medieval Discoveries at the Church of St James, Jacobstowe, Devon, in 2015